3 Rodent Trapping Tips - More Traps & Less Bait

3 Rodent Trapping Tips - More Traps & Less Bait

One of several key rodent trapping tips is the amount of traps you set and bait you use. More traps may lead to more success, however, the same can not be said about the amount of bait to use. But what is the right amount? Here are 3 quick rodent trapping tips to help.

Know your rodent trapping tips - number of traps & bait

  1. First, when setting traps always remember the more the better. Rodents are fickle creatures and setting more opportunities will increase your chance of success. Consider placing traps in sets of 2 or 3 as opposed to single sets. This will maximize your results as rodents initially try to evade newly placed traps only to be captured in others placed nearby. You can also allow rodents to become accustomed to feeding on your traps by placing a baited set trap between two baited, unset traps. If you don't have success in one area move your traps around.
  2. When it comes to the amount of bait to use remember that less is more. Oftentimes, the tendency can be to put more bait than is necessary. Placing too much bait can, in fact, backfire and often impede the functionality of the trap. Regardless of the type of bait that you choose, a small amount goes a long way. You should use just enough to fill the bait containers incorporated into the triggers on wooden and plastic snap traps. This usually amounts to about 1/2 a gram or the size of a single kidney bean. Any bait that you use should be fixed to the trigger whenever possible for optimal results.
  3. If you aren't having success with protein-based baits consider nesting materials such as cotton balls, shredded paper and fabric. If the rodents don't have an appetite for the food choices perhaps their interest will be peaked with home goods.

Do you a rodent trapping tip we missed, let us know in the comments! 

3 Rodent Trapping Tips - Additional Resources

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