Recent Launches

Buzzkill™ Giant Fly Trap
The new Buzzkill™ Giant Fly Trap is the largest fly trap available. It catches thousands of flies per setting. It attracts with an alluring blue color and traps with fly funnel technology. Easy to install and service, the trap fits a monthly service module. Rugged, field-tested construction makes the trap ideal for agricultural settings. Buzzkill™ Giant Fly Trap is tough on flies, easy on you.

Ovi-Planter™ Mosquito Trap
The new Ovi-Planter™ Mosquito Trap makes mosquito control attractive. It targets female mosquitoes, using their breeding habits against them. Capturing just one female mosquito can eliminate up to 1,000 future mosquitoes. Tests reveal that eliminating 30% of female mosquitoes reduces populations by 80%. Ovi-Planter™ is backed by peer-reviewed science and fits a monthly service schedule. This year, make mosquito control attractive with Ovi-Planter™.